Business Incentives

As a premier tax consulting firm, we are focused on helping companies maximize their revenue and minimize their tax burden.

Identifying & Maximizing Your Company’s Business Incentive Opportunities

As a premier tax consulting firm, we are focused on helping companies maximize their revenue and minimize their tax burden.

Our Team of Experts

Advantous combines the most comprehensive team of experts providing business incentives consulting services throughout multiple states across the U.S. We assist companies with identifying, negotiating, and complying with the various federal, state, and local business incentive programs available. Some of the business incentive programs we work with are job creation programs, property tax abatement programs, cooperative endeavor agreements, and many others across various states. Our experience in delivering bottom-line benefits is unmatched.

Business Incentives Services



  • Identify and quantify opportunities for participation in various Business Incentive programs
  • Provide up-to-date advice on the programs
  • Assist with timeline analyses for pursuit of Business Incentives
  • Document approval processes for the programs identified
  • Document qualification and compliance requirements

Strategic Planning & Advisory

  • Advise on the roles of multiple governmental entities and agencies in the various approval processes
  • Discuss aspects of project to identify best opportunities to be pursued
  • Facilitate internal meetings with various applicable departments to ensure coordination and approval at all requisite levels of the organization
  • Finalize objectives and strategies into a formal project plan

Fulfillment & Compliance

  • Analyze incentive contract terms to maximize benefits
  • Provide periodic status reports for satisfying program requirements
  • Provide technical guidance on program matters
  • Attend all applicable board, commission, and agency meetings
  • Prepare all applications and compliance reporting


  • Work with all governmental entities and agencies to obtain requisite approvals of benefits earned
  • Provide work product records for retention
  • Assist with continued identification of new opportunities which may arise


  • Monitor legislation & rule promulgation for various programs
  • Collaborate with decision makers on proposed changes
  • Advise businesses on proposed incentive legislation and rule changes